Many people set a resolution around this time of year as New Year's quickly approaches. One of the biggest resolutions people are bound and determined to make, as well as meet, is to lose weight. I've had the privilege to watch my husband lose 25+ lbs over the entire month of November. I am so proud of him and watching his success give me more desire to get back into a healthy lifestyle.
I've tried to "diet" before....many, many times. No sooner do I quit just after a short period of time. Typically, I last a day - two at most. That's why I chose Weight Watchers because they define they're weight loss program as a lifestyle change, not a diet.
One thing that I'm encouraging myself to do that works in conjunction with WW's "don't deprive yourself" is always ask the question - do I want to do __________ today? Do I want to eat healthy today? Do I want to exercise today? Sometimes the answer may be "no". The next step is to ask - will I do __________ today? It's very important to always give yourself the choice. This is a lesson I'm continually learning and it's a very important lesson to be learned.
I use to tell myself I was going to do something and then would end up sabotaging the whole thing by rebelling and doing the absolute opposite...and that was for any area in my life. Allowing yourself the choice to choose seems silly, but it works with kids and it works with our adult minds, too.
This is a new beginning for me and although it may not be easy, I'm choosing this path; the path that will lead to a more abundant, fulfilling life.
What Real Love Looks Like
4 years ago