Oh, what a silly human I am sometimes. Looking back over the last several years of my life and what a hardship I've been going through, things are just now coming into focus. All I've ever wanted was to help others. Then, all of a sudden I'm struck with hardships seen through PMDD and through my identity issues with being a TCK. I completely closed myself off to others. I almost lost my faith. I was very close to throwing off all my belief in God, so frustrated that I have to go through these tough times. So frustrated that it seems like I haven't gone anywhere since the tough times started. Mad and angry that God didn't seem to be doing anything for me....that I wasn't being comforted.
As I started to read this wonderful message on "Where Can We Find Comfort" that is part of a series that RBC ministries has put out, something written really struck a chord with me.
"We may want nothing more than a warm embrace and a reassuring word that will get us back on our feet and back to business as usual. But Paul's experience of comfort show in some very specific ways that God may not want us to go back to where we were" (Sper, 2005, p. 7)
Honestly that sums up exactly what I've been wanting. Just some reassurance or a kind word to get me back on my feet and back to where I was comfortable...
But God doesn't always want us to be comfortable. Comfortable means a provision of physical ease and relaxation. There are times in our walk with the Lord that we do need to rest and relax, but we shouldn't be in that mode often - otherwise we're not getting anywhere. We're not growing, we're not changing, we're not being molded into who God wants us to be.
All these years, I've been looking for ways to put myself back in a place/situation/familiar surrounding that makes me feel safe and comfortable - when maybe God has been trying to stretch me and enable to me to grow and meet the desire of my heart which is to help others.
There has been a lot of research done on how there are many health benefits to helping others - especially for patients with chronic pain and depression. Here is a great link that discusses this matter.
But, if we look closely, the Bible already discusses what science and research has proven. Several verses discuss the importance of putting others at the forefront of our preoccupations and to care for each other.
"Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves." ~ Romans 12:10
"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves." ~ Phillipians 2:3
Maybe part of the reason I've gone through hardships other than to change and be molded is so that I can help others in similar situations. But I can't help others until I accept the comfort and help from the Lord. And until I do that...I'm not going to move forward and I'm not going to be able to help others.
Maybe another reason I've gone through this season of hardship is to be brought closer to the Lord. It didn't appear that way for the last several years. In fact, I would almost say that it pushed me away from my faith...

"We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed" ~ 2 Corinthians 4:8-9
Sometimes we have to get to the end of our rope to realize that we have never truly been alone. We have to have things taken away from us to realize the ONE thing that truly does matter. And to learn that no matter what sort of storm we go through, we have our ever-loving God right next to our side.