What I've come to realize is this world is not without hardships, trials, and tribulations. There have been many times...MANY...that I've wanted to give up and felt there was no reason to keep going. Whether that was to give up on a dream, a vision, a relationship, or even give up on my own life.
There are a couple of things I've learned so far on my short journey and I would like to share three thoughts with you through the analogy of a flower.
1. As a young seedling, a flower begins its growth process in the dark, by itself. Somehow, it is programmed to find the light; to find the sun. During this process, it bumps into rocks and other plant that may be struggling to survive and utilize the nourishment that it has been provided with.
At this point, the plant could just stop since there are already other plants and rocks in its way...but it doesn't. You want to know why? Because it was created with a greater purpose. To find the light. The rocks peel back the young seedlings shell and reveals the start of a vulnerable stalk. The rock draws moisture and once the flowers roots have been revealed, the rock has become a life support by supplying water. The other obstacles in the soil begin to strengthen and mold the developing flower.
The rocks. The other plants. The darkness...it is all a natural part of life. It is there to aid in the growth of the flower. Just like the obstacles in our lives. Keep in mind, these obstacles are only there to nurture. They are not there to define. They are there to help us grow and help us become strong as we continue on our journeys. We have already been created with our purpose. If you don't know what it is yet. Keep striving. Keep dreaming. Your dreams often know your deepest parts better than you understand. Keep reaching for the light. Keep seeking the light. (Matthew 6:33)
2. Another way flowers are unique is in the way they interact with other elements in nature. Flowers rely on and are relied upon by completely different species. To procreate, flowers utilize bees or the fur of animals to help spread their seed. In order to fulfill their hunger, certain animals in nature rely on the nourishment from flowers. It's interesting to know that flowers have the ability to evolve, if need be, and come into harmony with species completely different than it's own.
As humans, we all are looking out for our own wants and needs and it can be incredibly frustrating when others don't get that or don't want to support us in our interests and goals. Relationships are about give and take, though. If we go through life assuming that everybody has to like what we like, has to do what we want when we want....we become overbearing and stifle the potential for growth. If we fall flat on our faces and allow others who are overbearing to dictate our every move, we stunt our growth, as well. It's all about balance and knowing that we already have a place in this world. Don't try and grab more than you deserve, but at the same time don't minimize your potential. (1 Corinthians 12:12-31)
3. We may not always like our circumstances or we may feel that we have no control over what's going on in our lives. I encourage you to look at the life of a flower. A dandelion seedling may be carried far away from where it's original roots were. It may not be surrounded by any other dandelions, but working in harmony and evolving with it's surroundings will allow the flower to grow to it's full potential.
Realize that just as nature comes into harmony, God is in control - we are not. We never have been. God created you and knew you in the womb before you were even born. (Psalms 139:13-16). He knows what your blueprint - your purpose is, even if you're still trying to figure it out. (Jeremiah 29:11)
Even if you don't know where you're going or why certain things are happening or have happened in your life, please do not give up hope. Please realize that you are not alone and continue to strive towards the light. You may never know how much others need you as a part of their functioning world, but you are unique and you are important. Keep holding on.