March 24, 2011

Jekyll and Hyde - Stupid PMDD

Posted by Megzy at 3/24/2011
So...the good mood is gone. The PMDD has reared its ugly head. It's taking everything within me not to run out of the room crying. It's taking everything within me to calm myself and reassure myself that everything will be OK. How the heck can I be a counselor to myself when I'm a patient at the same time. Isn't that like Jekyll and Hyde syndrome?

But that's what PMDD does. It comes out of nowhere...well, that's not true. You know its coming but you never know exactly how its going to rear its ugly self. You don't know if its going to be physical pain or all anxiety or a wave of paranoia or sheer, uncontrollable anger or complete and utter despair or self-hating or a mix of everything!

Its just so hard sometimes. It's hard to sit and try to complete your daily functions. Its hard to explain to people why you look so stressed out without breaking down. It's hard to know whats you and what's not. It's hard to just live sometimes.


Kelley on March 24, 2011 at 4:48 PM said...

I like the poem.


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