August 2, 2011

Work in Progress

Posted by Megzy at 8/02/2011
I'm on a journey, just like we all are. I'm trying to find out my purpose. I'm trying to figure out who the "real" me is buried deep inside. Past all the disappointments, the failures, the ups and the downs. I'm trying to believe a little bit more in myself instead of being swayed by each emotion that comes along.

I'm not perfect. You may say, well duh! None of us are. So, why are we so hard on ourselves? Why do we think when something goes wrong it's because we didn't do it the right way or the perfect way.

If I don't beat myself up about not doing something the right way, I swing to the opposite side of the pendulum and become apathetic. I don't care what anyone thinks or feels (this is a very rare occurrence and if it does lasts for a couple of moments).

Sometimes I get so mad at people when the hurt me. I want to scream at them and try to make them understand all I go through. But then I realize there may have been times I have hurt someone else. I realize that I may have misunderstood someone based on my own experiences or lack there of.

This blog has a two-fold message. If you feel misunderstood and the lack of love, realize and accept that you are still a work in progress. If others have hurt you and you're angry at them, realize they are still a work in progress. We're all on this journey together, but none of us have arrived. We are constantly being molded and when it seems hopeless or that someone is a hopeless cause....

Just remember, you/they are a work in progress and there is always room for improvement!


ceberus on August 7, 2011 at 10:18 AM said...

I really like your last line.

Recently I learned that my best friend's brother has been struggling from depression - and he is high school junior, a crucial time for college preparation. Only he knows where it came from and where he is heading too...It's sad how some people just say it's all because you are coward and weak. No one is always strong. But then, it's always tough to keep a certain balance between not being judgemental and backing away upon seeing signs....


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