May 13, 2011


Posted by Megzy at 5/13/2011
It always seems to be after the storm passes that my creative gears start twisting and turning. I have a deep desire to conquer the world, but not in the sense of obtaining power over people. Conquering the world, to me, means instilling power in others; enabling others to know what good they are capable of; what awesome abilities they have to do and to create.

I believe that is why the arts are so powerful. You’re taking nothing and making it into something. You can take a blank piece of paper and fill it with wondrous, fanciful things. You can take a piece of wood or metal, blow through it and create beautiful tones and luscious harmonies. You can take a body and make it move in a way that tells a wonderful or tear-jerking story. There are so many other things that we can take and make into something else. To create is so powerful. It instills a sense of imagination; a way for your mind to play. By taking things that seemingly have no real use and transforming it into something beautiful and useful gives me such a sense of hope for better things to come.

Then I get discouraged because I feel like its all been done before. What could I throw in the pot to spice things up? What could I add to the mix to make things more colorful? What can I do that hasn’t been done before?

Even though I get discouraged, I still want to try. I’m striving for something better – to create something better – to motivate someone for better – to tweak something for the better. Ideas are bubbling and bursting in my mind constantly. I only wish I could hold onto one, make it concrete, and form it into something a tad more tangible. It’s that darn Idealist in me!!

I have a couple of things up my sleeve that I’ll be sharing soon. For now, though, I would love to know and hear your thoughts on the following questions. What are some things you would like to do better? What is something that you would like to create?



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