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I'm an ENFP. According to David Keirsey, PHd., I fall into the line of being an Idealist.
I'm a huge Alice in Wonderland fan and the newest Tim Burton version that came out in 2010 portrays several characters into each of the four quadraints of Keirsey's Tempermants. Feel free to click on the title to read more about yourself. I'm just listing the core elements of each along with the Myers-Briggs personality types that fall under each.

Before you get your panties in a knot, you have to know that Guardians aren't bad. Even though a guardian is displayed as the mean Red Queen in Tim Burton's version of Alice in Wonderland, guardians are very good at directing and keeping people safe.
Core qualities
*Guardians pride themselves on being dependable, helpful, and hard-working.
*Guardians make loyal mates, responsible parents, and stabilizing leaders.
*Guardians tend to be dutiful, cautious, humble, and focused on credentials and traditions.
*Guardians are concerned citizens who trust authority, join groups, seek security, prize gratitude, and dream of meting out justice.
ESTJ (Superivsor)
ISTJ (Inspector)
ESFJ (Provider)
ISFJ (Protector)

Core qualities
*Artisans tend to be fun-loving, optimistic, realistic, and focused on the here and now.
*Artisans pride themselves on being unconventional, bold, and spontaneous.
*Artisans make playful mates, creative parents, and troubleshooting leaders.
*Artisans are excitable, trust their impulses, want to make a splash, seek stimulation, prize freedom, and dream of mastering action skills.
ESTP (Promoter)
ISTP (Crafter)
ESFP (Performer)
ISFP (Composer)

You either loved these two or they got on your nerves. Keep in mind all of these characters are an absolute exaggeration of the tempermant types. These two, the White Queen and the hound dog, just wanted things to come together in harmony and were the "family-oriented" type. Don't hate, cuz I fall into this category :)
Core qualities
*Idealists are enthusiastic, they trust their intuition, yearn for romance, seek their true self, prize meaningful relationships, and dream of attaining wisdom.
*Idealists pride themselves on being loving, kindhearted, and authentic.
*Idealists tend to be giving, trusting, spiritual, and they are focused on personal journeys and human potentials.
*Idealists make intense mates, nurturing parents, and inspirational leaders.
ENFJ (Teacher)
INFJ (Counselor)
ENFP (Champion) (pssst...this is me!!!)
INFP (Healer)

Core qualities
*Rationals tend to be pragmatic, skeptical, self-contained, and focused on problem-solving and systems analysis.
*Rationals pride themselves on being ingenious, independent, and strong willed.
*Rationals make reasonable mates, individualizing parents, and strategic leaders.
*Rationals are even-tempered, they trust logic, yearn for achievement, seek knowledge, prize technology, and dream of understanding how the world works.
ENTJ (Fieldmarshal)
INTJ (Mastermind)
ENTP (Inventor)
INTP (Architect)
So, do you think Tim Burton did a good job of displaying Keirsey's 4 temmpermants in these 4 characters? Can you see yourself in the character in which you fall into the same category? Let me know what you think?
Because, afterall, it's all about you, don't you know?!
I just came upon your blog... I never thought of Tim Burton's Alice in wonderland portraying temperament types, but I think you're absolutely right... that, and the fact I am an INTP and love the idea of the gorgeous Mad Hatter being a rational ;)
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