I don't FEEL positive, but I'm choosing to be positive. I don't FEEL happy, but I'm choosing to acknowledge the good in my life. I don't FEEL the change, but I believe it's coming.
Do you see the real enemy? Or at least its my enemy...FEELINGS. In an earlier post I discussed how I clung to my feelings because they were the only things that made me believe I was alive. When I was put on all kinds of medication, I couldn't feel anything and I told myself that I would much rather feel than to go through life numb. Some feelings are good, but too many can drown you.
I equate it to watering a plant. Some water is good and you need it to sustain life to the plant. However, too much water will inevitably kill the plant.

My feelings have been drowning me. They have been suffocating me. I recognize that I am among the type that are more emotional on the outside and express those emotions a lot more freely than others, but just as much as I have a lot of feelings, those people that don't have enough or express any emotions will hurt their "plant" just as easily as having too many.
It's all a balancing act, really. It's easier said than done. So where does the balance come into play? It comes from choosing to be positive. You don't have to be annoying about the positivity. And its not a disservice to your true self. That is something I had to (and am still having to) allow myself to understand. I thought the universe ethics police would come knocking at my door if I were to *gasp* not tell the truth about how I was really feeling!
You don't have to lie. You just have to make a choice about how you WANT to feel and then put that into action.
First step is, it is a choice.
Nobody is making you choose to be happy. Nobody is making you choose to be negative. You're at a fork in the road. Which one do you choose?

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