Man, I get so aggravated at myself. You think I would know this by now, but it's like a light bulb just went on. TADAH! Stress really triggers your moods, Megan. Stress is really not a good additive when you're in PMDD phase.
My friend and I were talking about how our doctor's pretty much blow us off when we bring any sort of self-found material into their office. God forbid a person try to understand themselves and what might be beneficial to their health. Oh, no. You're encroaching on their precious territory and it becomes almost like we're showing them up. Have you ever experienced this? So, instead of listening to get a fast food pharmacy instead.
So, what do you want for it?
The oh, so infamous question.
What do I want for it???
Well, first, I would love for you to listen to me. Second, I would like for you to look at me. And third, I would like to know if you know any other alternatives to what I can do to help myself besides pumping umpteethbagillion different drugs through my body. That's what I want!!!!
This is EXACTLY why I went stopped seeing doctors and stopped all medication for three years. Was it hard? Oh, yes. Was it miserable every. single. bleeping. month?! Oh, yes. But did I feel true to myself the other parts of the month? YES! And that's the difference.
I don't want a smorgasbord of drugs. I get that they're there to help, but when your doctor realizes that one medication, two medications, three medications, etc aren't working.....wouldn't you think they would be smart enough to figure out that maybe - just maybe - that's not the fast fix they're looking for?!
I shouldn't be as surprised as I am at how easy it is to get whatever drug you want. I just would hope that doctor's have some human-ness left to their souls and would think about their patients' health and not always about the money. A girl can dream right?

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