Every time I've gone to see my doc, he doesn't give me very much information as to what he thinks I'm dealing with. That implies to me that he isn't quite sure. I know what it is! It's called PMDD! I've known it for the past 6 years!!! And when I get stressed out, I have a tendency to get depressed (shown through my anger and irritability).
Why can't medical professionals just acknowledge that this is a real thing?!?!
My doctor prescribed me abilify along with my antidepressant. I wasn't sure what it was. It's considered an atypical anti psychotic (which sounded kinda heavy duty to me!). When I researched it, it's a medication that is typically used for patients with schizophrenia or bi-polar disorder. It can also be used for patients who aren't responding that well to their antidepressant. It's suppose to augment the affects.
I've been on it now for three weeks today. Ok, that's a lie. I didn't take it last night and I had very good reason for it. I, in no way, condone ignoring what a doctor prescribes. But I am an advocate for understanding your own body and how you react to medications.
I was on lithium for over a year several years ago. That is a time in my life that I barely remember anything. I started to feel like that again.
The first week was ok, the depression had subsided. But my menstrual cycle hasn't begun, so now I'm freaking out about if I'm pregnant or not. I've taken two pregnancy tests so far and both have come back negative. Last night was rough! And when I say rough, I mean - my brain was having a hard time functioning.
My hubby and I got into a fight over some finances. The stress of the fight got me really worked up. I started screaming and crying and when he wanted to leave, I freaked out even more. I don't do well when my loved ones want to leave me alone. Anywho, from that point on I could barely formulate sentences and was exhausted trying to carry a conversation. That's ridiculous for someone who doesn't typically have a hard time talking, thinking, or feeling. Last night was an extreme to how I've been feeling the past two weeks. It's affecting my job and I need to be on the ball and need to be able to explain concisely what I'm doing and why.
Because of these factors and the fact that I've been on a mood stabilizer and had a negative experience with it in the past, I decided to just take my antidepressant and not the abilify.
I already feel tons better today. My mind seems to be quicker and sharper. I'm tired, but that's because of the emotional outburst that happened last night. Other than that, I'm quite alert mentally.
So, who knows better? Me....or my doctor?

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