I was opening a cabinet at work today and I had my pen in hand and accidentally marked on the cabinet. I tried to rub it out, but it just smeared and wouldn't come off. That little mark started driving me crazy each time I looked at the cabinet regardless of the fact that it was so small. It then dawned on me, that is often times how we feel about ourselves. We can have many good and decent qualities and call ourselves upstanding citizens, but if we have a "mark" or blemish we hone in on it and start to obsess over it. At least I do this with myself. I forget to see the good sometimes and focus solely on my problem areas. Those areas that may seem small and insignificant to others become huge ordeals. I focus on them and talk about them until it becomes a nusiance.
One of my friends said just yesterday, we all make mistakes but those mistakes don't make us the people that we are.
I'm sad today. I'm sad because it hurts to see people going through painful relationships. I'm sad because I feel like I can't do anything to help except sit and listen. I try to give good advice, but I don't feel like I have enough life experience nor the wisdom to be passing out advice. It makes me feel defeated. I'm sad to see people treating the one's they are supposed to love with such cruelty and immaturity.
I wish we all could look past the little blemishes and see the bigger picture. It would be so much easier that way.

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