I finished this drawing today. I started it about two weeks ago when I was in a high drive to create. I don't think its beautiful by any means, but it really encompasses the many emotions and feelings I experience on a monthly (sometimes daily) basis.
The heart is at the center of it all with a tiny "light" of hope in the center of that. The heart is surrounded by two doors. There are always doors that are shut and opened in our lifetime. Leading to the doors are eyes that are either open or shut. Sometimes we see where we are going, when other times we are blind...either by choice or by chance. Sometimes we don't want to face the truth and other times circustances keep us from seeing what is right in front of us.
The bigger picture looks like a flower encompassing the whole thing. We are all in a state of blooming. All of this craziness...all of the craziness that is thrown at us in this lifetime creates our own story. Embrace your story and let it become your work of art.

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