And then more crap is thrown at me. And I have nowhere to go. I have nowhere to dodge it. I can't escape it. So, I sit and wait. And it sucks. Then the thoughts start. And I'm angry and I don't feel worthy. And then I'm angry some more.
This just is not fair. Nothing, absolutely NOTHING is the way that I WANTED IT to be!!! I've poured out for so long to others. I've listened and shared in their happy times and their sad times and completely let me fade. I don't want to fade. And when I'm upset, I have nowhere to go. And here I am alone again. In my anger. In my misery. In this wretched place that I keep trying to escape. But it engulfs me. And I'm drowning. How the hell do I get out? How the hell did I get here to begin with?! Where is God? Where is my life going? What did I do to deserve this? Is this all there is to my pathetic life?
It's so hard to have hope on days like these, but I have to cling to God. That's what I promised. That's what I told myself. When I was in the darkest times of my life, I promised I would never let it get that dark again - but it just seems to come out of nowhere. The invisible attacks. The visible attacks. The attacks from the left - the attacks from the right. I can't escape and I need help.

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