These are the times I wish I could have a body waiter and order up something completely different than what I have now. Or, more realistically, I wish I could just go to bed and sleep it away for the next couple of days.
The mind is a very interesting thing. It can be filled with thoughts that you don't want anything to do with and we can let our mouths tell all our mind's secrets....OR we can let our mouths tell our minds what it should think.
We often times don't believe we have the power to overcome bad days. We don't believe we can get past the depression or the sadness. We don't believe we can hang on when its all so overwhelming. But despite how you are feeling or what your mind is trying to tell you, we can overcome all of that.

It all lies in the power of our words.
If we speak life to ourselves, we will hear that life and it will be seeded deep in our minds. Just like when you're around a bunch of people that are negative. If that's all you hear is "wha-wha" this and "yip-yip" that, let me tell you how that wiggles its way deep into your mind and starts to fester until you start to "wha" and "yip" yourself. However, if you've ever been around a positive person and heard the great things coming out of their mouth....does it catch you off guard? I hope it does and I hope it makes you think.
Truth be told, its not easy to be positive. We have a lot of hard stuff we all deal with in this world. I use to think if I didn't tell people or myself how I was/am TRULY feeling, I'm not being honest with anyone. It's OK to vent. But when everything becomes negative and everything becomes sadness and everything becomes the bad icky stuff - that's where the problem lies.
I go through a storm every single month. It's not fun by any stretch of the imagination and because I know its coming, its THAT much harder to try and stay positive. It knocks me down time and time again. I'm not gonna lie - I wallow most of the time. If you look at my other posts, it helps me to express the inner turmoil I go through. But....
Now is the time I'm going to start speaking life and positivity. My feelings and most especially my mind may not jump on board right away, but I believe the more you seed good, beautiful, lovely, peaceful, grateful, positive and happy thoughts in, the more they will start to bloom and grow on their own.
Does this take away my struggles. No. Does it take away my need to get the anger, angst, irks, irritability, sadness, etc out. No. All of these things need to be validated and if they're not, I need to find a safe place where I can divulge this sensitive info. I encourage you as I encourage myself to grab hold of the positive in your life and turn your eyes to it instead of whatever else may be going on. Is it a cop out? No. It's a coping mechanism.
“People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be.” ~ Abraham Lincoln

What a beautiful idea! Positive thoughts and blessings to you!
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