With PMDD, there are so many days that I'm down and out and feel out of sorts. So, I feel its important to hold onto the good times and the things that bring joy into my life, even if they seem small, insignificant, silly, or even a little stupid sometimes. When you deal with a disorder that wrecks havoc on your life every single month and THAT is what you have to look forward to, well I think even the little things can become important things.
So, I'm divvying this up into parts because I can only think of a couple of things off hand right now that make me laugh and I hope it will bring some joy to your day too!!
This is my FAVORITE Mr. Bean skit. We grew up on Mr. Bean and Rowan Atkinson's comedy. I love that it is hilarious yet he doesn't say a word!!! This is the full 9 min episode, so feel free to watch and laugh along :)
This one gets me EVERY TIME!!! I love, love, love the slugs from Flushed Away. The "eeekkk" is what always makes me laugh, but I also love when the slugs sing, too!

And then there is the "lion face". For those of you who are not yoga connoisseurs, this is indeed an actual yoga position. Try making the face....if it doesn't make you laugh, it will make someone else laugh! I guarantee it!!

These guys ALWAYS make me smile, laugh, fill me with good cheer :) Ah, Joey and Chandler and whimsical Phoebe. The love hate relationship between Ross and Rachel and nuerotic Monica....what more could you ask for?!

And then there is the Fox Family. When I'm having a bad day, a down day - when I can't think straight and I don't want to study anymore, I hide away in a comfortable spot and delve into the life of this funny family. They own a peice of my heart and bring me joy and laughter when I don't want to think about anything serious. If you would like to see more of Bill Amend's Foxtrot comics, go here
More to come later...

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